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Agent Provocateur Teases Spring 2023 Lingerie Collection

(Agent Provocateur)

The end of winter is still weeks away, but Agent Provocateur is bringing some unseasonably early heat via its Spring/Summer 2023 collection, seen here in eye-popping new campaign images.

(Agent Provocateur)

The upmarket British brand’s new line of lingerie, swimwear and nightwear was crafted and modeled in a decidedly theatric manner, with Agent Provocateur creative director Sarah Shotton describing the theme as “more is more—more glamour, more escapism, and more drama.”

(Agent Provocateur)

Grand parlors, bedrooms brimming with Victorian decor and a spread of elegant white cakes serve as a backdrop for stunning women clad in lavish garments, which include AP’s patented tulles, satins and lace in various playful pastels and classic blacks.

(Agent Provocateur)

“I’ve always been drawn to princesses in fairy tales because they represent a duality: the meek ‘good girl’ trapped in the castle at the start of the story, and the care-free party girl at the ball at the end,” Shotton continued.

(Agent Provocateur)

“I wanted to give it an update and bring the mood of the story into the modern age: our fairy tale princess is in control, reclaiming her agency, dating who she wants, when she wants, and living her best life.”

(Agent Provocateur)

Particularly enchanting design feature like pompoms, candy stripes, cherry motifs and a reimagining of Cinderella’s glass slippers as sparkling crystals and sequins on straps and trims. 

(Agent Provocateur)

According to AP, the Spring/Summer 2023 collection aims to transform “the wearer into a princess who chooses her own Happily Ever After.” Shop it soon on Agent Provocateur’s website.

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