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Kendall Jenner Poses Topless For Sultry Calvin Klein Underwear Campaign

Kendall Jenner is embodying Calvin Klein’s “Calvins or nothing” slogan by going topless in several black and white photos and a video
(Mike Coppola/Getty Images)

Kendall Jenner is embodying Calvin Klein’s “Calvins or nothing” slogan by going topless in several black and white photos and a video for the fabled fashion brand’s new underwear line.

Wearing only a pair of white socks and briefs, the supermodel and Keeping Up With The Kardashians star sits on the floor in one photo, using her arms to cover her bare chest.

In another pic shared by Calvin Klein and Jenner on Instagram, she is seen splayed on the ground in a pair of jeans and no top, covering herself with her hands as she pushes up her hips.

In a third photo, the Maxim Hot 100 beauty strikes a sultry pose in a bra and panties, pulling a pair of black jeans down around her thighs, while she covers up in a denim jacket in another snapshot, again appearing to to be wearing nothing underneath.

The video is arguably even more alluring, as the former Victoria’s Secret model teases viewers by unbuttoning her Calvin Klein jeans and running her hands inside the waistline of the Calvin Klein bikini briefs.

The stylish new campaign, which was directed and photographed by famed snappers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, features Jenner along with fellow Calvin Klein ambassadors FKA Twigs and Jennie, reports Page Six Style.

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